Build the bottom case of a control box with SolidWorks


This picture was modeled with SolidWorks2015 and rendered with KeyShot 8.


1. Draw a sketch on the front view.

Base flange

2. Base flange, symmetrical on both sides: 150. Thickness: 1, radius: 0.25.

control box

3. Edge flange, edit flange outline. Flange position: Bend out.

control box case

Modify sketch

4. Edge flange, edit flange outline. Flange position: Material is out.

control box case

Modify sketch

5. Edge flange, continue to edit the contour.

6. Miter flange, draw a sketch on the face pointed by the arrow.

7. Edge flange, edit contour.

8. Draw a circle on the left side. The diameter was later changed to 2.

Base flange

9. Stretch cut and equal thickness.

control box

10. Mirroring Features.

control box case

11. Sideline flange, given depth: 3.5.

Base flange

12. Draw a straight notch and a center rectangle on the right side.

control box

13. Stretch removal.

control box case

14. Still sketch on the side and draw straight notches.

Base flange

10 arrays, spacing: 7, delete the middle ones

control box

15. Stretch removal.

control box case

16. Draw a sketch on the left side of the cabinet.

Base flange

17. Vent,

Boundary: the outermost circle;

Tendons: 4 straight lines;

Wing spar: two circles on the inside;

control box

18. Draw another rectangle and stretch it out.

control box case

19. Expand.

Base flange

20. Done.

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