Outdoor Stainless Steel Metal Electrical Cabinets

- Shandong, China
- Within 30days after the receipt of your deposit or negotiated
- According to your part's complexity
1. SS304 made stainless steel metal electrical cabinets.
2. outdoor use available
3. ground wire pre-installed
4. stainless steel back mounting plate.
5. foamed integral seal strip
6. custom made outdoor stainless steel metal electrical cabinets
Picture shown is a custom outdoor stainless steel metal electrical cabinets that we made for a local customer. The metal electrical cabinet is made by stainless steel 304, which can be used outdoor, of course indoor use is OK.
Every outdoor stainless steel metal electrical cabinet has lock and key. For safe, we have connected the ground wire on door and stainless steel metal electrical cabinet body. The seal strip is integral foamed. There is no connector on the strip which can ensure the seal function and waterproof ability. On the back mounting plate, we have used laser to cut the mounting holes. This custom outdoor stainless steel metal electrical cabinet's mounting board is also made by stainless steel 304. Even if in humidity environment, the cabinet can be still fine used. At the bottom, we leave 6 holes for wire. These holes are protected by waterproof connectors. At the back, the mounting size can be adjusted as your needs.
Claim: Products shown here are only to indicate that we can make this kinds of products and provide professional sheet metal fabrication and cnc machining services. The custom outddor stainless steel metal electrical cabinet in picture can NOT be selled.